RUSH: This earpiece business. I think it could just be a spare cough drop in there rather than an earpiece. Everybody thinks it’s an earpiece in her ear. Gotta be very careful about this. You know, during one of the debates between George W. Bush and I think it was Kerry or Algore, the Democrats said that Bush had a bulge in his jacket. And they said that it might have been a receiver for an earpiece that was hidden somewhere — ’cause Bush was an idiot, that was conventional wisdom.
The press had put out that Bush was a cowboy dummkopf and didn’t know what to say, was being fed the answers. That turned out to blow up in everybody’s faces. There was no earpiece or private communication system. Now, the reason why this has caught on with Mrs. Clinton is because of Mrs. Clinton’s character. The Clintons are documented to be cheaters. Mrs. Clinton’s health is also a factor. She’s not all there. She’s admittedly had a concussion. She was out of commission for months at a time. She claims that she forgets this and forgets that, she doesn’t know this, she doesn’t remember that.
And then you add to it, well, it can’t be denied the age factor, you put all these things together, they have created the impression that we have somebody here whose health is fragile. And we have somebody here who also can’t tell the truth to save her life. And she’s told so many lies that she can’t remember to whom she’s told or said what.
So now we’ve got pictures, a close-up picture of something in her left ear last night, and it looks like — well, you don’t know what it looks like until others put the idea in your head. Somebody says, “That looks like a pearl earpiece.”
“Oh, yeah! Yeah!” Like a Rorschach test. “That’s what it is, it’s a pearl earpiece.”
Then somebody finds a tweet, or an email from Huma Danger to Hillary saying, “Do you have your earpiece or do you want me to get it for you?” And people are thinking, “What in the world would she need an earpiece for? Is she hard-of-hearing as well?” And if that’s the case, why wouldn’t they call it a hearing aid? And while they might not calling it a hearing aid ’cause they don’t want anybody to know that she has a hearing disability, that wouldn’t look good, somebody running for president, so “earpiece” might be used.
Then there are a bunch of tweets that began last night after this close-up shot of Mrs. Clinton, and there is something in her ear. Like I say, I think it’s a cough drop, a spare cough drop, but it could be an earpiece. Then when you learn that these things are used on Broadway, they’re used not just on Broadway, but actors on stage use these, particularly elderly actors.