RUSH: Does it strike anybody that on 9/11, when there were 19 militant Islamic hijackers who flew three airplanes that crashed and 3,000 Americans were killed, does it strike anybody that from that day forward the elites and many of the leaders in the United Nations and in this country moved into high gear to defend Islam and Muslim countries and militant Islamic extremism?
Which, to me, is the exact opposite of what should have happened given human nature. And by human nature, I mean, common sense. This has always amazed me that since 9/11, rather than — I mean, if 19 people kill 3,000 Americans the way they did, that’d be all the information you need to kind of get the idea what’s in the future unless you were vigilant. And instead our State Department started doing seminars on why do they hate us? Why is it our fault? What did we do to cause this? We were told, “Well, it’s our support for Israel, when you get right down to it, Mr. Limbaugh. Militant Islam hates us because of our support for Israel.” Yeah, okay, maybe that’s what we were told and maybe that’s a factor, but it’s certainly about much more than that. It’s simply that we exist, that we are infidels.
Look, I’m not try to restate old history. I’ve always been confused, in the strict common sense, why in the world have we gone out of our way to be welcoming to the people that did this? That’s what I have never understood. And when anybody has suggested vigilance and preparedness against further attacks like this, those people have been called bigots and racists or anti-Muslim, and we’ve always been told to guard against backlash against Muslims. And it was almost immediate, the defense of Islam. And militant Islamic extremism even reached a fevered pitch after that attack. And it never made sense to me since.